Logistics transportation
Logistics transportation
Logistics robots are robots used in warehousing, logistics, and transportation industries for goods transportation and sorting They can travel autonomously or according to a predetermined route, and automatically transport goods or materials from the sta
Food packaging
Food packaging
The packaging robot has the advantages of strong adaptability, high reliability, high degree of automation, good accuracy, low energy consumption, and wide application range
Machine loading and unloading
Machine loading and unloading
Machine tool loading and unloading robots are suitable for loading and unloading of machine tools and production lines, workpiece shifting and turning, and workpiece rotation With high efficiency and high stability, simple structure and easier to maintai
Grinding robots can solve the current difficulty of recruiting workers in the grinding industry, and also help improve the production efficiency of the factory in the grinding process, reduce work intensity, enhance the competitiveness of the factory and
​Manipulator automatic welding tooling selects a flexible welding tooling platform with superior performance, a flexible combined welding tooling fixture with high interchangeability, and a flexible welding robot arm It also plays a very important role i
In casting production, industrial robots can not only replace people working in high temperature, polluted and dangerous environments, but also improve work efficiency, improve product accuracy and quality, reduce costs, reduce waste, and obtain flexible